Voice Lessons | Marcia Whitehead
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Take voice lessons. Feel confident. The end.

Singing Lessons

Voice Lessons

Why do I love to teach?

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Who are these
lessons for?

Teen Girls, 13 -18 years of age, who love to sing and want to feel confident about sharing their voices on stage, in a classroom or at an audition.

Women who want to re-ignite the power of their sung and spoken voices. 

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What is my teaching intention?

Of course, I want you to thrive both technically and artistically. I also want you to have fun. But my ultimate goal is for you to leave each singing lesson with a spring in your step and a smile on your face. Because when you can stand up and sing, you can do anything.

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Image by Josh Goddard

What do I

Teens: Musical Theatre and Classical repertoire, suitable for teen voices with a dash of inspiration.

Adults: Repertoire and technique that makes you feel powerful and persuasive via song or speech.

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Where do Lessons take place?


In-person lessons take place at my home studio in Toronto, 🇨🇦

Online lessons require a Skype account, a laptop and a space where you can sing uninterrupted.


Student Testimonials

“Marcia was the perfect combination of vocal teacher and cheer leader in her Masterclass.”

Maria Riedstra, ACL Music, Rosedale Heights School of the Arts, Toronto, ON

“Marcia Whitehead has been instrumental in the development of my daughter Amelia's voice. She has been a student of Marcia's for the past four years and has helped her to develop into a confident, beautiful soloist, and working in a Broadway length production of Sister Act last summer in New Haven, CT. Her encouragement, positive attitude and expertise have made my daughter develop in an outstanding way. I would highly recommend Marcia to anyone looking to take their voice to the next level of performance. ”

Marla Majewski, Parent, Toronto, ON

“Your support has been invaluable... you've gone above and beyond the call of duty when responding to my panicked, 'I failed!' emails and I am immensely grateful.”

A.S., Age 18, Toronto, ON

“Not only is Marcia is an amazing vocal teacher, she is also an amazing role model and friend. She cares deeply about the wellbeing of her students and individualizes each lesson to constantly support her students along their vocal journey. She regularly gives feedback and different ways for her students to improve, provides lesson sheets with detailed notes of what was covered in each lesson, and what the student should work on the following week.”

C.D., Age 16, Toronto, ON

“Marcia, You have been such a key figure in my life. Thanks for helping me build up my confidence. I wouldn't be going to the best school in the country if it weren't for you...Don't miss me too much!”

A.H., Age 18,Toronto, ON

Lesson Packages

5-Lesson Package

Includes a shared Google doc with lesson reminders and goals for the week.

10-Lesson Package

Includes a shared Google doc with lesson reminders and goals for the week.


5% discount

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Free Trial Lesson

Learn more when you book your free 20-minute trial lesson.

I am a classically trained singer who has performed professionally as a mezzo-soprano with Opera companies and Symphonies across Canada for 15 years. I have apprenticed with L’Atelier Lyrique de L’Opéra de Montréal, and am an alumnus of various young artist programs across Canada. My Bachelor of Music degree is from the University of Manitoba.


About Me


My Story

The plot of my singing story has taken many twists and turns, but I wouldn't change a thing. I know that the challenges I've faced, and the lessons I've learned along the way now serve the singers in my studio. 

When students come to me with their doubts and fears that their voices aren't enough, my job is to show them how to build confidence from within, and maintain it wherever they sing. It's the strongest muscle they will ever possess.


My Reason

It gives me immense joy to see the progress of my students, and to know that they receive more than just singing lessons, as one of my long-time students said:

"Not only is Marcia an amazing vocal teacher, she is also an amazing role model and friend. She cares deeply about the wellbeing of her students and individualizes each lesson to constantly support her students along their vocal journey.”
About Me

Speaking Testimonials


“Marcia, as always, your blog reads like a thriller. Jesus. The things the desire to return to our voice makes us do. I identify 100%.”

Kimberly Barber

Mezzo Soprano, Associate Dean and Professor of Voice at Wilfrid Laurier University

Kitchener, ON, Canada


“I attended Marcia's 'Clean Slate: A Singer's Story Forum' and every singer, coach and teacher would benefit greatly from the generous contributions of this extraordinary host.”

Giuseppe Spoletini

Baritone, BMUS, MMUS, Faculty Manhattan School of Music

New York, NY, USA

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“I went back and listened to the talk you gave for 'From The Voice Of Community' all over again. Wow - Thank you so much for sharing your journey, Marcia!”

Kim Ramón


Toronto, ON, Canada

s.o.s. sessions

      Book Club

Empower yourself, and your bookshelf.

I loved school. University, in particular, was a blast and it helped reveal a talent I never dreamed possible. But when I shipped my talent off to the big city I quickly discovered that my University degree wouldn't cut it. I needed another degree. A degree in Life. A diploma in Money Management. A Master's in Turning My Talent into a Business, and a PhD in Not Freaking Out as I pieced it all together.

So, I turned to books.


Books that empowered me to expand. Books that taught me it's not about how much you earn but what you do with your earnings that counts. I devoured books on healing, mindset and memory. And eventually, all those books would earn me a degree in Strength that drew back the curtain on an unlimited view of what women and girls can do and be. Without apology. 

I'd built a bookshelf that permitted me to soar. And now I'm sharing that bookshelf with you.

Empower your bookshelf with these favourites.


Money Girl

  • You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

  • The Soul of Money by Lynn Twist

  • Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny

  • It's Not Your Money by Tosha Silver

  • Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach


Mindset Girl

  • Mindset by Carol Dweck PhD

  • The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck

  • Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

  • The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

  • A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

  • The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks


Creative Girl

  • The Art of Memoir by Mary Karr

  • The Creative Act by Rick Rubin

  • Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain

  • The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

  • Simply Put by Ben Guttmann

  • The Element - How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Sir Ken Robinson


Podcast Girl

  • Wiser than Me - hosted by Julia Louis Dreyfus

  • Pulling the Thread - hosted by Elise Loehnen

  • Breakdown - hosted by Mayim Bialik

  • The Mel Robbins Podcast

  • Everything Happens with Kate Bowler



“Marcia was the perfect combination of vocal teacher and cheerleader in her Masterclass.”
Maria Riedstra, ACL Music, Rosedale Heights School of the Arts, Toronto, ON

There is nothing more thrilling than watching a singer discover a sound within them that they never thought possible. My masterclasses are a fast-paced, don't overthink it, kind of energy. My promise to every student is this, "I will never ask you to try something I don't think you can do. And I think you can do more than you can imagine."

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Let's Connect

Hello and thank you for connecting with me!

Please check your junk mail

if you have not received a reply within 48 hours.


In the meantime, please check out my mini-memoir 

to find out why I'm so hell-bent on helping singers. 

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